Is it a fake website?

05 diciembre 2009

Manifiesto por la libertad en Internet y datos personales

Cuando escribo esta entrada, son ya 3677 firmas las que lleva el manifiesto en defensa de los derechos en Internet, al que se puede acceder a través del grupo en facebook con el mismo nombre.

Yo firmé, pero me sorprendió luego que todos los datos; nombre y apellidos, localidad, dni, código postal, esten a disposición de cualquiera. Por eso, posteriormente leí la FAQ de la plataforma del manifiesto, y expone lo siguiente:

How are petition signatures validated?

Unlike the various flaky email petitions that periodically wander around the Internet, with PetitionOnline there is exactly one authoritative master copy of your petition. Each signature and email address (always required, but optionally confidential) is logged for possible explicit or statistical validation. Duplicate signatures are automatically rejected, and each person who signs is automatically sent a confirming email message.

Validation is a somewhat separate issue from delivery. Delivery will only include the email addresses of petition signers who have made their address public ally available. (A petition could be set up so that public email addresses are required, but it would be likely to get far fewer signers.)

If deeper validation of a petition is really called for, has the technical ability to perform a statistical validation by contacting a sampling of signers directly via the email addresses we have privately archived. This kind of more serious validation is not included in our free petition hosting offer, but can be arranged on a cost-contract basis (see below).

Ensuring identity without invading privacy is quite a challenge. We don't see that a perfect solution is currently available, given that there is not yet any widespread foolproof system for establishing online identity. An email address is not enough to establish identity by itself, but it is substantially more than just a name, and it provides a link back to a person for (the potential of) confirming identity.

Según la aplicación, las peticiones son válidas por cada dirección de correo, no indican nada más, pero más abajo pone:

Does signing a petition threaten my personal privacy?

We believe that the integrity of this petition information system is a fundamental part of what we have to offer.

Any information you provide for public viewing on a petition signatures page is accessible by anyone on the Internet. Please exercise normal caution in making your personal information public, as you would with public information on your own web page, or any other.

Information you provide confidentially, such as a hidden email address, is automatically stored in a secure area, accessible only by Artifice technical staff, for petition administration and validation purposes only.

For additional details, including the use of cookies by our advertising management system, please see our official Privacy Policy.

Donde indican que todos los datos que se expongan, serán visibles en Internet. Así que por ahora tenemos 3677 nombres con DNI, y poblaciones de manera pública. ¿No vulnera esto el derecho y tratamiento de los datos personales?, ¿son conscientes todos los firmantes del manifiesto de que están dejando un rastro fijo en internet con sus datos personales?

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